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Our flyscreens advantages

Calm rest

Your rest will not be disturbed by mosquitoes, flies, bugs, etc.

Lots of types

Our flyscreens are available in many different types, so we are sure to find the best one.


You can safely ventilate your apartment, nothing will get in with the help of our flyscreens.

Mosquito-free home

Anyone who says that it’s not worth getting upset over small things… has never had a mosquito in his room.

Ízléses tartószerkezet

Tetszőleges színűre festhető és erezett famintás verzióban is elérhető


A háló anyaga általában szürke színű, UV stabil üvegszálból készül, amely a levegőt és fényt átengedi, látványa legkevésbé zavaró.

Megbízóink mondták


Szúnyoghálóink lehetővé teszik, hogy meleg napokon a friss levegő szabadon áramolhasson az ajtókon, ablakokon át, mindemellett kizárják a nyugalmát megzavaró rovarokat, bogarakat.



Egyedi igényeihez alakított ajánlatainkhoz vegye fel velünk a kapcsolatot! Elsősorban Budapesten és környékén, valamint Komárom-Esztergom megyében számíthat ránk.

Flyscreens for windows

Fixed Frame Flyscreen

The cheapest type. Within it, there are several subtypes. We always prepare the right one for the current window design.

The strap and magnet corner designs are popular, which can be easily and simply removed from the inside. In winter, it is worth storing in the garage/cellar

Pull-down Roller Flyscreen

It roller blind The mesh is rolled onto the shaft in the upper case. In it, there is a spring that constantly pulls the mesh upwards. The bottom can be hooked, push-locked, or spring-loaded. The frame and case are made of aluminum.

Flyscreens for doors

Opening Flyscreen Door

It is made of a 40×20mm extruded aluminum profile. A massive structure, for long-term use, usually is most often recommended. 

The advantage is that it is simple, it very rarely goes wrong. You can simply take it down for the winter.

The disadvantage is that it requires a large space, if there is no possibility of opening the door, the following designs can be a solution.

Sliding Flyscreen Door

For wide terrace doors, where it is possible to shift the opening-sized door to the side. The door rolls on a special rail, roller track. Easy to install and uninstall.

Tip: Dog mesh

You can request our mosquito net doors with dog mesh, which is resistant to the claws of pets, typically dogs and cats. It is only installed in the lower part of the door. 

Retractable Flyscreens Door

The mesh folds like an accordion. Its tightness is provided by thin cords.

Practical, space-saving design. It is beneficial for balconies

Available in two versions:

  • Framed structure in front of terrace doors with case threshold
  • For low-threshold doors and windows, plastic chain design

Roller Flyscreen door

A horizontal version of the pull-down roller flyscreen. It has a practical, space-saving design, but the dust and dirt that gets between the components make it difficult to operate.


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